Yay! David has done it again!
I've seen this on your website before (I can't give out the name, because it might be considered promotion of an outside website), and have always thought it was awesome! Of course, so are all of your other Flashes! Thanks for making another one of your Flashes available to the Newground...ers. Keep up the good work! =)
Oh, wait... I kinda forgot the reviewing part of the review. Heh. Right:
Your graphics are very good, but a *tiny* bit below the average quality of your graphics. Then again, your animation style does vary from animation-to-animation. The audio quality was great, very clear. The violence was rather low in this one (not a bad thing). The humor was funny and strange at the same time.
Well, there you go. I think this is possibly the longest review I've ever written on here.